Tattoos are a beautiful form of self-expression but also have some potential health risks. As an artist, it’s crucial to educate your customers about these risks so they can make informed decisions. But first, you must ensure your business complies with all necessary regulations. A key part of this process is obtaining a tattoo business license. If you’re unsure how to proceed, we have a step-by-step guide on How to Get a Tattoo Business Licence in the USA that can help you.


In this article, we’ll walk you through the possible health risks of tattoos. So, let’s dive right in!



The tattooing process involves breaking the skin, which always carries a risk of infection. This can occur if the tattoo equipment isn’t properly sterilized or the shop isn’t kept clean. 


Some signs of infection include:

– Redness and swelling that doesn’t subside after a few days

– Pain or a throbbing sensation in the tattooed area

– Discharge of pus or yellow fluid 


To minimize the risk of infection, always ensure that your tattoo artist uses sterile equipment and practices good hygiene. Check out our guide to insurance for your tattoo business for the importance of these standards. After getting a tattoo, follow the aftercare instructions carefully to keep the area clean.


Allergic Reactions

Some people may experience an allergic reaction to the pigments used in tattoo ink. These reactions can happen immediately or may occur years after getting the tattoo. 


Symptoms can include:

– Itchy rash at the tattoo site

– Swelling

– Redness


Remember, allergic reactions can occur even with inks that are labeled as hypoallergenic. If you have a known skin allergy, it’s best to discuss this with your tattoo artist before getting inked. Scheduling a patch test before getting inked could be a good idea!


Scarring and Keloids

While scarring is a natural part of the healing process, excessive scarring can lead to raised areas on the skin called keloids. People who are prone to keloids should be cautious about getting a tattoo, as the skin damage caused by the tattoo needle could trigger the formation of these raised scars.


MRI Complications

While rare, tattoos can sometimes cause complications during an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan. Some people have reported a burning or swelling sensation in their tattoo during the scan. This reaction is thought to be due to the metallic compounds in some tattoo inks. If you’re scheduled for an MRI, be sure to let your healthcare provider know about your tattoo beforehand. Maybe even discuss it when filling out your tattoo consent form!


Bloodborne Diseases

If the tattoo equipment isn’t properly sterilized, there’s a risk of transmitting bloodborne diseases like Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and even HIV. To prevent this, choosing a reputable tattoo shop that follows all the necessary safety and hygiene regulations is crucial.


Tattoo Ink Concerns

Some studies have raised concerns about the long-term safety of tattoo inks. Certain inks have been found to contain harmful substances like heavy metals, which can potentially have toxic effects on the body. However, more research is needed in this area to fully understand the potential health risks.


Communicating with Customers

Keeping your customers informed about the potential health risks of tattoos and how to prevent them is a continuous process, and one effective method is through email marketing. Email Marketing for Tattoo Shops – A Simple Guide can give you more ideas on effective strategies to accomplish this.

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Final Thoughts

While this list of potential risks might seem a bit scary, it’s not meant to discourage anyone from getting a tattoo. Rather, it’s about promoting informed decision-making and safe tattooing practices.


Remember, the best way to mitigate these risks is by choosing a reputable tattoo artist or shop that adheres to strict hygiene and safety standards.

And if you or your customers notice any signs of complications after getting a tattoo, it’s crucial to seek medical attention immediately.


In the end, getting a tattoo should be a fun and positive experience. As tattoo artists, we play a significant role in ensuring that our customers know the potential risks and how to care for their new ink. Always keep them updated about things with a clear Point of Sale (POS) system and use tattoo consent forms to communicate risks. Remember, safety comes first!



FAQ 1: What are the potential infections associated with tattoos?

Answer: Tattooing involves breaking the skin, which always carries a risk of infection. This can happen if the tattoo equipment isn’t properly sterilized or if aftercare instructions aren’t followed. Infections may result in redness, swelling, pain, or a throbbing sensation in the tattooed area and discharge of pus or yellow fluid.


FAQ 2: Can tattoos cause allergic reactions?

Answer: Yes, some people may experience an allergic reaction to the pigments used in tattoo ink. Symptoms can include an itchy rash at the tattoo site, swelling, or redness, and these reactions can occur immediately or years after getting the tattoo. Even hypoallergenic inks can cause allergic reactions.


FAQ 3: Can tattoos interfere with medical procedures like MRI scans?

Answer: While it’s rare, tattoos can sometimes cause complications during an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan. Some people have reported a burning or swelling sensation in their tattoo during the scan. This reaction is thought to be due to the metallic compounds in some tattoo inks. If you’re scheduled for an MRI, be sure to let your healthcare provider know about your tattoo beforehand.