46% of all searches on Google are local, meaning people within a certain target mile radius are actively searching for goods and services you might be providing. This alone represents billions of high-value queries within your region. Most importantly the amount of “near me” searches in the last year have doubled, indicating people are actively searching for local businesses on search engines. Additionally, according to recent estimates 91% of adults use search engines to find information. Information can vary from searching for advice, ideas, people, and businesses. This gives you, the tattoo studio owner the perfect opportunity to captalize on shifting consumer behavior and digitalization of business search. Long gone are the days of people walking down main street and popping into a tattoo studio or writing down phone numbers on paper. Consumers are doing their homework, researching, and carefully selecting the best artist and studio for their new tattoo. It’s time tattoo studio owners take advantage of shifting industry trends and let their tattoo studio software do the heavy lifting for them. It’s time to work smarter, not harder!

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Connecting your Google page to TattooPro

The process of connecting your tattoo studio software directly to your social pages (Google, Yelp, Facebook) is simple with TatooPro’s award winning technology. Our technology allows for multiple things to happen once a customer has submitted a review. The first being, our internal algorithm actually runs a model determining which social platform is the most valuable to you, meaning if you have a large following and presence on Yelp, the review will go first to Yelp, giving you the biggest bank for your buck (ultimately reviews are meant to drive new business). Second, the algorithm knows exactly when, and how to send the review specifically helping you for search engine optomization purposes (we won’t get too technical). Finally, on your end the process is simple and has limited involvement. Once on TattooPro our dedicated account managers begin working closely with your business, helping you claim your pages if not already done so, making our system talk directly to each page. Then, we walk you through when a customer is done with a session, and is finished paying you, they will simply receive an e-receipt with the opportunity to leave you a review. 85% of our e-receipts recieved a review, making it highly likely that each transaction will result in a review to your social pages. That review generator specifically comes from TattooPro, and talks directly to your pages, making it an easy two step process from tattoo to payment. The tattoo studio software revolution is upon us, and TattooPro is the only system that allows for seamless integration of your social pages and software.

Key Takeaways

  1. Tattoo Studio Software is evolving quickly, it’s crucial you have the correct system in place working for your business.
  2. Local searches are growing rapidly, showing a consumer demand for local businesses.
  3. Automated review generators are hard to come by, finding a software system with a proprietary system is very important.
  4. Letting your work speak for itself is the most important form of reputation in the tattoo industry. Get paid, get rated, get found!